To “clone” (duplicate) the memory contents of one RC-18SR
into another RC-18SR or RC2000MKII, please follow these steps:
1.Place the source RC-18SR (the one with all of the customized commands, names, macros, macro sequences, etc) with its infrared transmitter window ¤1facing the receiving infrared sensor ¤2of another “fresh” RC-18SR or RC2000MKII (5 cm, or 2 inches apart).
2.Press the CLONE button c of the source RC-18SR or RC2000MKII with the tip of a paper clip, and select “CLONE TX” (clone transmit) mode .
When using RC18SR, “RC2002” is displayed in LCD window. If the receiving remote control unit is RC2000MKII , then the display does not change. If the receiving remote control unit is RC-18SR, then the display is changed to “RC18SR” by pressing the cursor button
⁄6. (see Figure 20)
Figure 20
3.Press the CLONE button c of the learning (receiving) RC-18SR or RC2000MKII with the tip of a paper clip or a similar object, and select “CLONE RX” (clone receive mode).
When using RC18SR, “RC2002” is displayed in LCD window. If the transmitting remote control unit is RC2000MKII , then the display does not change. If the transmitting remote control unit is RC-18SR, then the display is changed to “RC18SR” by pressing the cursor button
⁄6. Then press the PLAY button ⁄5.
When the transmitting remote control unit is RC2000MKII , then All clone does not activate. To clone the Function key, press the each Function key except DSS/VCR2 and AMP keys. Eight keys can be cloned at once. If All clone activates without pressing the Function button, “N/A” will display and the clone is not perfomed When the transmitting remote control unit is RC-18SR and receiving remote control unit is RC2000MKII, The DSS/VCR2, CD-R/MD and AMP keys cannot be cloned. To clone the Function key, press each Function key except DSS/VCR2, CD-R/
MD and AMP keys.
Figure 21
4.Press the source RC-18SR’s or RC2000MKII’s transport control PLAY ⁄5button to begin the infrared data transmission sequence. If you wish to duplicate only 1 to 8 function’s memory, press the function button(s) you wish before pressing the PLAY button. Now the “LEARN” indicator of receiving RC-18SR starts to blink. (see Figure 23)
After all bars are lit up on both displays, “TX OK” (transmission OK) will appear in the source RC-18SR’s LCD window, and “RX OK” (reception OK) will appear in the “cloned” RC-18SR’s LCD window, confirming the end of the copying process (see Figures 24 and 25).
Please be sure that, during the copying process, neither RC-18SR is physically disturbed (ideally, they should be placed on a table or other surface, and not hand-held during the copying process). If, for some reason, the copying process was interrupted, the “clone” RC- 18SR’s LCD display window will indicate “RX NG” (reception no good). Simply begin the clone process anew by repeating the above steps.
Cloning is only available between the same remote control unit series, therefore the RC-18SR cannot be cloned by the RC2000.
5.If the source RC-18SR’s memory contents are at or near full capacity, the copying process will take about 3 minutes. After completion of the copying (cloning) process, press the CLONE button c on both RC-18SR’s with the tip of a paper clip, and select the OFF mode.
Then, you’ll have two identically programmed RC-18SR remotes, one of which can again be used as your system’s primary remote control, and you’ll have the added confidence of knowing that in the event of inadvertent programming (or memory contents being cleared somehow), you can simply retrieve the “backup” RC- 18SR that you’ve safely tucked away, and within minutes restore the programming contents of the original RC-18SR with your customized configuration.
Some direct keys are marked “♦ ” in Direct Command Functions Listing (page 32 to 35). The “♦ ” mark means as follows;
When RC-18SR is cloned with RC2000MKII, the name of the direct key can be cloned, however the remote control code (the factory preset code) cannot be cloned. Only learned remote control codes can be cloned. Then the remote control code is learned by “LEARN mode”. Refer to page 25.
The table of cloning relations
Transmitting | | |
Receiving | RC-18SR | RC2000MKII |
RC-18SR | ALL OK | only FUNC. |
RC2000MKII | only FUNC. | ALL OK |
| | |
ALL OK: All functions can be cloned.
only FUNC.: The following functions cannot be cloned; RC-18SR: DSS/VCR2, CD-R/MD, AMP RC2000MKII: DSS/MD, AMP