Basic Reminders About Your AeroGarden
AeroGarden PRO100 Control Panel
• Water Low
When light blinks add water up to “Fill To Here.”
• Lights On/Off
Use to occasionally override
• Add Nutrient
(Feed Garden - Basic Feeding)
When “Add Nutrient” and “Water Low” lights start blinking (every 2 weeks), add 2 nutrient tablets* and fill the Bowl with water up to “Fill to Here.” Press and release “Reset” button to restart nutrient timer and turn off blinking lights.
*See Tending & Harvesting Guide for
• Replace Grow Bulbs*
When light blinks (after 6 months of use), it is time to replace Grow Bulbs. Bulbs can be ordered at or from your retailer. After replacing Grow Bulbs, press “Reset” button to restart grow bulb timer and turn off flashing light.
NOTE: If you store your AeroGarden PRO100 between uses, grow bulb timer automatically stops when PRO100 is unplugged.
*See complete replacement instructions on next page.
• Adaptive Intelligence
The green light tracks garden growth from germination through maturity. AeroGarden PRO100 automatically adjusts the amount of light and water plants receive to provide op- timal growing conditions for every stage of a plant’s life.
NOTE: The time of day your lights turn off may change as your Garden matures.
•Remove Bio-Domes
When plants appear through hole in Seed Pod Labels, remove
NOTE: Never remove Seed Pod Labels.