Ill!lI Functioning, Basic setting, Final setting
~ WARNING,!DOnot startthe sawwithoutthe bar, chain and clutch cover (chain brake) assembled. If you do, the clutch might come
loose and cause severe injuries.
,The carburett~r governs the engine speed via the throttle trigger. In the carburetor, air/fuel is mixed. This air/fuel mixture is adjustable. If you want to take advantage of the maximum
output of the engine, the setting must be correct.
●The setting of the carburetor means that the engine is adjusted to local conditions, for example climate, altitude, petrol and type of
●The carburetor has three adjustment possibilities: L=Low speed needle
H=High speed needle
T=Idle speed adjustment screw
✎The fuel quantity required in proportion to the airflow the throttle trigger level allows is adjusted by means of the L- and
NOTE: Your unit is equipped with limiter caps, do not attempt to adjust the needles beyond the stop as damage can occur.
●The idling speed screw T regulates the position of the throttle lever in the idling speed position. Turn the idling speed screw clockwise gives a higher idling speed, turn it
Basic setting
●The carburetor is adjusted to a basic setting when the saw is tested at the factory. The basic setting is richer than the optimum setting and shall be maintained during the first working hours. Thereafter, do
the final setting of the carburetor. The basic setting can vary between:
NOTE! If the chain rotates in the idling position, turn the idling speed screw
Final setting
● After the “breakin” period(about5 hours),thefinalsettingisto bedone.This setting isdoneto ensurethatyourunitis running at peak performance and producing the least amount of harmful emissions.Have the final aetting done by quali- fied servicepersonnel.This serviceis not coveredby war- rantv.
First’,adjust the low speed needle L, then the high speed needleH, and finally the idlingspeedscrewT. The carbure- tor shouldbe set accordingto the followingRPM limits:
Max. speed(no Ioad)=l3,000 rpm Idlingspeed=2800/3200rpm
●Before all settings are done the air filter must be clean and the cylinder cover mounted.
“Set the needles marked T, L, and H to the mid point of the limiter cap,
●Start the saw according to the starting instructions and warm it
up during 10 minutes.
NOTE! if the chain rotates in the idling position, turn the idling speed screw
D Put the saw on a flat surface, the bar pointing in the opposite direction of you. Avoid that bar and chain get into contact with
the surface or other objects.
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