#@~ | + 1/4 | rpm |
| Ulmln | |
| trlmn |
| olmln |
| rlmin |
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NOTE! Do not attempt to adjust the needlesbeyondthe stops as damagecan occur.
Low speed needle L
Try to find the highest idling speed by turning the low speed needle L within the limits of the limiter cap. When the highest speed has been found, turn the low speed needle L 1/16 turn
NOTE! If the chain rotates in the idling position, turn the idling speed screw
High speed needle H
Th= high speed needle H influences the power of the saw. A too lean adjusted high speed needle H (high speed needle H closed too much) gives overrevs and damages the engine. let the saw run at full speed for about 10 seconds. Thereafter, turn the high speed needle H 1/16 turn
If the engine does not operate properly within the limiter cap range, do not use the unit. Take it to your Authorized Service Dealer
MOTE!For optimum setting of the carburetor, contact a qualified servicing dealer who has a revolution counter at his ~isposal. The maximum speed recommended, 13000 rpm, nust not be exceeded.
Final setting of the idling speed T
pm JImin rlmn )Imin Imin
Adjust the idling speed with the screw T, If it is necessary to readjust, first turn the idle speed adjusting screw T clockwise, until the chain starts to rotate.
Then turn,
It should also be good margin to the rpm when the chain starts to rotate.
CAUTION! contact your servicing dealer, if the idle speed setting cannot be adjusted so that the chain stops. Do not use the saw until it has been properly adjusted or repaired.
Correctly adjusted carburetor
Acorrectly adjusted carburetor means that the saw accelerate without hesitation and the saw
A too lean adjusted high speed needle H gives lower powerless capacity, bad acceleration and/or damage to the engine.
A too rich adjustment of the two speed needlea L and H gives acceleration problems or too low working speed.