Summary of Accessing Behavior
Key Operation
Status when | Action during | Action after the key |
| Behavior in Repeat Mode | |
key is hit | holding the key | is released | Repeat Mode On | Repeat mode Off | |
| pressed |
| |||
| Entire Card | Single Track |
| |
| ||
| Repeat | Repeat |
_ | Next Track Jump | The next track to the last track is the 1st track* |
Playback from the |
| |
| |
| top of the next track |
_ | Next Track Jump |
Pause at the top of |
| |
| |
| the next track |
Press and Hold
Seek + x4 audible
x30 - x250
Next Track Jump Stop at the top of the next track
Playback from the location where the key is released
Pause at the location where the key is released
End of the last | End of the | At the end of the |
track continues | current track | last track, the unit |
to the top of the | continues to | enters stop status. |
1st track | the top of the |
| current track |
at track time ≤ 1 sec
at track time > 1 sec
at track time ≤ 1 sec
at track time > 1 sec
Track Count Up
Quick Track
Count Up
Stop at the top of the The next track to the last track is the 1st track* track indicated by the
track counter
Previous Track Jump Previous track to the 1st track* is the last track Playback from the top
of the previous track
Previous Track Jump
Playback from the top of the current track
Previous Track Jump Previous track to the 1st track* is the last track Pause at the top of
the previous track
Previous Track Jump
Pause at the top of the current track
Press and Hold
_ | Previous Track Jump | The previous track to the 1st track is the last track* | ||
Stop at the top of the |
| |
| previous track |
Seek - | Playback from the location where the | When the top of | When the top of the | |
x4 | key is released. |
| the current track | 1st track is |
audible | When the top of the 1st track is reached, | is reached, | reached, pause | |
| pause there while key is held pressed, | pause there | there while key is | |
| and resume playback after releasing the | while key is held | held pressed, and | |
| key. |
| pressed, and | resume playback |
| resume playback | after releasing the |
| after releasing | key. |
| the key. |
RWD | Pause at the | When the top of the | When the top of | When the top of the |
x30 - x250 | location where the | 1st track is | the current track | 1st track is reached, |
key is released | reached, pause | is reached, | pause there. | |
| there. | pause there. |
Track Count Down | Stop at the top of the | The previous track to the 1st track is the last track* | ||
Quick Track | track indicated by the |
Count Down | track counter |
*The track number of the 1st track is not always track number 1. For example, if the 1st track is deleted, the 1st track may be track number 2. After renumbering operation, the first track will be track number 1.