Husqvarna CTH140TWIN instruction manual

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Instruction manual

Please read these instructions care- fully and make sure you understand them before using this machine.

Manuel d’instructions

Merci de lire trés attentivement le man- ueld'instructions.Assurez-vousd'avoir tout compris avant d'utiliser ce tracteur.

Manuale di istruzioni

Prima di utilizzare la macchina leggete queste istruzioni con attenzione ed ac- certatevi di averle comprese bene.


Bitte lesen Sie diese Anleitungen sorg- fältig durch und vergewissern Sie sich, daß Sie diese verstehen, bevor Sie die Maschine in Betrieb nehmen.

Manual de las instrucciones

Por favor lea cuidadosamente y com- prenda estas intrucciones antes de usar esta maquina.


Lees deze instructies aandachtig en zorg dat u ze begrijpt voordat u deze machine gebruikt.

Image 1
Contents CTH140TWIN Page Training Safety RulesII. Preparation III. OperationIV. Maintenance and Storage Schulung SicherheitsvorschriftenII. Vorbereitung III. BetriebIV. Wartung UND Lagerung Précautions D’UTILISATION Règles de SécuritéII. Préparation III. UtilisationIV. Entretien ET Entreposage Instrucción Reglas De SeguridadII. Preparación III. OperaciónIV. Mantenimiento Y Almacenamiento Addestramento ALL’USO Norme AntinfortunisticheII. Preparazione III. FunzionamentoIV. Manutenzione E Periodi DI INATTIVITA’ II. Voorbereiding VeiligheidsregelsIII. Bediening IV. Onderhoud EN Opslag EN8361997/A2Position Neutre Haut HOT Surfaces Drawbar Loading BRAKE/CLUTCH Pedal Gefahr ZU Vermeiden Schwefelsäure Augen Unver Augen Schützen Volante DE Dirección Volant DE DirectionSteering Wheel LenkradPage Remarque HinweisNota Installazione della batteria Install batteryAccu installeren Einbau der BatteriePage Discharge Chute Nut Flat Washer To install bagger components to tractorHorizontal adjustment Bagger adjustmentVertical adjustment To Assemble BaggerAuswurfkanal Kontermutter 3/8 Flache unterlegscheibe Installation der Aufhängung der Grasfangbox des TraktorsUnd Fest AnziehenJustieren der Grasfangbox Montage der GrasfangboxSeitenjustierung HöhenjustierungAssemblage des composants du collecteur Positionnement du collecteur Pour assembler le collecteurRéglage de la position horizontale Réglage de la position verticaleArandelas planas Descarga de adaptarse Tuercas de 3/8Contratuercas de 3/8 Regulacion del contenedor Para montar el contenedorAjuste horizontal Ajuste verticalConvogliatore di scarico Dadi 3/8 Per montare i componenti del cesto di raccoltaRegolazione del cesto Per montare il cesto di raccoltaRegolazione orizzontale Regolazione verticaleBorgmoer Zeskantbout Vlakke sluitring 10,3 mm Sluitveer StennijzerAfstellen van grascontainer De grascontainer monterenHorizontale bijstelling Verticale bijstellingMontage und Installation des Mulcheinsatzes To assemble and install mulcher plugPer Iinstallazione del Kit Mulching Het monteren en installeren van de mulchplugEinstellen DER Tasträder To Adjust Gauge WheelsReglage DES Roulettes DE Jauge Para Ajustar LAS Ruedas CalibradorasAnordnung der Bedienungseinrichtungen Positioning of controlsComandi Emplacement des commandesUbicación de los mandosè De plaats van de bedieningsorganen Throttle control Commande des gazGashebel AceleradorBrake Pedal Levier de commande de la transmission hydrostatiqueBremspedal Pédale de freinQuick lifting/lowering of the cutting unit Elevación/descenso rápidos del equipo de corteSollevamento/abbassamento del tagliaerba Schnelles Heben und Senken des MähaggregatsOnstart Feststellbremse Parking brakeFrein de stationnement Freno de estacionamientoBlocage et déblocage de la roue libre Cutting height settingAcoplamiento y Desacoplamiento de Rueda Libre Free-wheel Control LeverService Reminder/Studenzähler Service Reminder/HourmeterStarter EstranguladorReposición de combustible Filling upTanken Plein de carburantÖlstand Oil levelNiveau d’huile Nivel de aceiteReifendruck Tire air pressurePression de gonflage des pneus Presión de inflado de los neumáticosDriving . Betrieb . Conduite . Conducción Guida . Rijden Page Hinweis Entlüften DES Getriebes IMPORTANT! Cold Starting for HydroATTENZIONE! Avviamento a Freddo PER TrasmissionSpurgo Della Trasmissione Purgar LA TransmisiónTransmissie Ontluchten Su tractor esta ahora dispuesto para la operación nor- malConducción ConduiteDriving GuidaRückwärtsgangsystem ROS Reverse Operation System ROSSécurité Marche Arrière ROS Sistema de Funcionamiento Atrás ROSSysteem voor achteruit ROS Sistema per operazioni in retromarcia ROSCutting tips Ratschläge zum RasenmähenConsejos para el corte Conseils pour la tonteConsigli per il taglio dell’erba MaaitipsEntleeren der Grasfangbox To Dump BaggerPour vider le bac Para vaciar la cargadoraPour passer dune fonction à une autre To convert mowerPour broyer Regolazione della funzione di taglio Para cambiar el ajuste de la segadoraDe Maaier Ombouwen Advertencia WarnungPericolo WaarschuwingAbschalten des Motors Switching off the engineArrête le moteur Apagar el motorAdvertencia Motorhaube Engine hoodCapot moteur Cubierta del motorWartung Maintenance MantenimientoManutenzione Entretien OnderhoudWartung des Motors To service enginePour assurer lentretien du moteur Mantenimiento del motorWartungsnachweis Service RecordInforme DE Servicio Schema DentretienDati DI Servizio Service AantekeningenFahrer-Anwesenheitssystem und Rückwärts- gangsystem ROS Operator Presence System and Reverse Opera- tion System ROSControl Sistema Presencia Operador Messerbalken BladesLames CuchillasMesserbalkenbohrung mit fünfeckige Ausspar- ung Star pattern bladeLame avec orifice de fixation central étoil à cinq branches Messerbalkenbohrung mit sechseckiger Auss- parungLama con for stellare a 5 punte Cuchilla de orificio-estrella de cinco puntasMes met 5-hoekige ster Cuchilla de orificio-estrella de seis puntasBlade Removal Überprüfen der Bremse To Check BrakePour vérifier le frein Controlar el FrenoDemontage des Mähdecks Dismantling of the cutting unitDepose du Carter de Coupe Desmontaje de la unidad de corteEinbau des Mähdecks Assembly of the cutting unitMise en place du carter de coupe Montaje de la unidad de corteAuswechsein des Treibriemens für das Mähag- gregat Replacement of drive belt for cutting unitCambio de la correa propulsora del equipo de corte Sostituzione della cinghia di movimento lameEinstellung des Mähaggregats Adjustment of the cutting unitRéglage du carter de coupe Ajuste de la unidad de corteAdjuste DE Lado a Lado SIDE-TO-SIDE AdjustmentSeitliche Einstellung Reglage TransversalRemplacement de la courroie dentraînement Replacement of drive beltAuswechsein des Treibriemens Cambio de correa propulsoraReglage DU Levier DE LA Commande D’AVANCEMENT Transaxle Motion Control Lever NEU- Tral AdjustmentEinstellung DES Steuerknüppels DES Schaltgetriebes Page TRANSACHSEN-KÜHLUNG Transaxle CoolingRefroidissement DE LA Transmission Enfriamiento DEL TransejeService Reminder / Stundenzähler Service Reminder / Hour MeterRappel D’ENTRETIEN /COMPTEUR Horaire Recordatorio Mantenimiento / CUENTA- HorasTroubleshooting . Störungssuche Recherche des pannes . Búsqueda de averías Ricerca guasti . Het localiseren van fouten Storage . Aufbewahrung . Rangement . Conservación ServiceEntretien et réparations ServicioServizio Rismessaggio . Stallen532 42 19-48 07.18.08 SBW/AP

CTH140TWIN specifications

The Husqvarna CTH140TWIN is a powerful and versatile lawn tractor that makes mowing large lawns a breeze. With its impressive features and advanced technologies, it's designed to provide a smooth mowing experience while ensuring optimal performance.

One of the main characteristics of the CTH140TWIN is its robust engine. Equipped with a strong twin-cylinder engine, it delivers high torque and superior performance. This ensures consistent power even in challenging mowing conditions. The engine is paired with a smooth hydrostatic transmission that allows for seamless speed control and ease of operation, meaning users can effortlessly adjust their speed without having to change gears.

Another standout feature of the Husqvarna CTH140TWIN is its innovative mowing deck design. The 40-inch cutting deck is made from high-quality steel, offering durability and longevity. It features an easy-to-adjust cutting height, allowing users to select the perfect height for their lawn conditions. This flexibility ensures that your grass is cut to the desired length without compromising health.

The CTH140TWIN also integrates advanced technologies to enhance user convenience. The ergonomic steering wheel, coupled with a comfortable seat with armrests, provides a superior level of comfort during extended mowing sessions. In addition, the easy-access control panel enables users to operate the mower's various functions effortlessly.

For those concerned about storage and space, the Husqvarna CTH140TWIN boasts a compact design, making it easy to navigate through tight areas. The tight turning radius allows for efficient maneuverability, ensuring that users can effectively reach tricky spots in their yard without leaving uncut patches.

Furthermore, the tractor features a reliable cutting system that can be configured for either side discharge, mulching, or bagging grass clippings. This versatility provides homeowners with options to manage their lawn waste according to their preferences.

Finally, maintenance is simplified with the inclusion of an automatic blade engagement feature. This ensures that the mower blades engage smoothly and helps minimize wear on the engine and transmission.

In conclusion, the Husqvarna CTH140TWIN is engineered for those seeking a robust, versatile, and user-friendly lawn tractor. Its powerful twin-cylinder engine, innovative features, and comfortable design make it an excellent investment for maintaining a beautiful and healthy lawn. Whether you are managing a small garden or a substantial lawn, the CTH140TWIN from Husqvarna stands ready to deliver exceptional results.