Summary StatisticsWith the Switch Management screen displayed,
choose the management level Unit, then select the
STATISTICS button. The Summary Statistics screen is
displayed, as shown in Figure 6-1.
The Summary Statistics screen lists values for the
current counter against every port on the Switch
1000 and it is refreshed approximately every two
seconds. Once values have reached approximately
4,000,000,000 they are reset to zero.
To view values for a particular counter, select the
first button displayed at the foot of the Summary
Statistics screen. Pressing the spacebar toggles
through the available counters and as soon as you
move away from the button, the screen is refreshed
to show values for that counter.
FRAMES RECEIVED Displays values for the Frames
Received counter; the total number of frames that
have been received by the current port, including
fragments and frames with errors.
FRAMES TRANSMITTED Displays values for the
Frame Transmitted counter; the total number of
frames successfully transmitted by the current port,
including fragments and frames with errors.
FRAMES FORWARDED Displays the total number
of frames that were received by the current port
and forwarded to other ports.
Figure6-1 Summary Statistics screen (3C16900A)
FRAMES FILTERED Displays the total number of
frames that were filtered because the destination
station was on the same segment (port) as the
source station.
MULTI/BROADCAST (RX) Displ ays the total num ber
of frames received by the current port that are
addressed to a multicast or broadcast address.
MULTI/BROADCAST (TX) Displays the total number
of frames transmitted by the current port that are
addressed to a multicast or broadcast address.
ERRORS Displays the total number of errors which
have occurred on the current port. Refer to the field
description for Errors on page 6-5.
CLEAR SCREEN COUNTERS Use this button to set
all counters shown on the screen to zero. Use this
button for analysis if you wish to see changes in
counters over a short period of time. This button
does not clear the counters on the device.