Unit DefaultsThe following table shows the factory defaults for
the Switch 1000 features.
Managing the Switch 1000The menu-driven interface built into the Switch
1000 is known as the VT100 interface. You can
access it using a VT100 terminal, or a PC using te r-
minal emulation software. You can connect the ter-
minal directly to the Switch or through a modem.
You can also access the VT100 interface remotely
using Telnet running over the TCP/IP protocol.
Remote management is also possible using a Net-
work Manager from 3Com’s Transcend® product
range. The management protocol is SNMP (Simple
Network Management Protocol) and any
SNMP-based management facility can manage the
unit if the Management Information Base (MIB) is
installed correctly in the management workstation.
The Switch 1000 supports SNMP over both IP and
IPX protocols.
Port Status Enabled
Forwarding Mode Fast Forward
Intelligent Flow
Management Enabled
Duplex Mode Half duplex on all relevant ports
Virtual LANs All ports use Port VLAN Mode and belong to
the Default VLAN (VLAN 1)
PACE Disabled
Spanning Tree (STP) Disabled
Power On Self Test
(POST) Normal (Fast Boot)
System Alarm
(broadcast band-
width used)
■High threshold: 20% — Notify and Blip
■Low threshold: 10% — No action
System Alarm
(errors per 10,000
■High threshold: 2% — Notify
■Low threshold: 1% — No action
System Alarm
(bandwidth used) Enabled
■High threshold: 85% — No action
■Low threshold: 50% — No action
System Alarm
(percentage of
frames forwarded)
■High threshold: 85% — No action
■Low threshold: 50% — No action