Setting Up the Switch Database (SDB) 4-17
The Database ViewThe Unit Database View screen, as shown in
Figure 4-12, allows you to view and configure the
Switch Database.
To access the Unit Database View screen, display the
Switch Management screen, choose the manage-
ment level Unit, then select the SDB button.
The Unit Database View screen shows the following:
Database Entries This read-only field shows the
number of entr ies currently in the SDB . The data-
base holds a maximum of 500 addresses.
MAC Address If you highlight an entry in the list-
box and press [Return], this field shows the MA C
address for the entry.
Port Number If you highlight an entry in the list-
box, this field shows the port identifier for the entry.
Permanent Yes / No This field allows you to specify
that the current entry is permanent. Refer to the
previous section “Setting Up the Switch Database
(SDB)” for a description of permanent and ageing
You cannot specify that the current entry is perma-
nent if the port uses AutoSelect VLAN Mode. For
more information about AutoSelect VLAN Mode,
refer to “Using AutoSelect VLAN Mode” on page
Figure4-12 Un it Database View scree n
A listbox containing three fields:
Port The port ID for the entry.
MAC Address The MAC address for the port
currently stored in the database.
Permanent Yes / No Shows Yes if this entry is
permanent, or No if this entry is ageing or
FIND This button lets you locate an entry in the
database. Refer to “Searching the Switch Data-
base” on page 4-18.
REFRESH This button refreshes the database so that
it displays the latest information.