Viewing the Resilient SetupWith the Switch Management screen displayed,
choose the management level Unit and se lect the
The Unit Resilience Sum mary screen is displayed as
shown in Figure 4-15. This screen shows the cur-
rent resilient link configuration for the unit, and
allows you to access the Port Resilience screen for
resilient link pairs.
The following information is displayed:
MAIN Port This read-only field displays the ID of
the port configured as the main port for the resilient
link pair.
STANDBY Port This read-only field displays the ID
of the port configured as the standby port for the
resilient link pair.
Pair State Active / Both Failed / Unknown / Not
Available This read-only field displays the current
state of the resilient link pair:
■Active — The resilient link pair is enabled and
operating normally, with both main and standby
ports capable of carrying traffic.
■Both Failed — Although the resilient link is cor-
rectly configured, both links have failed. Check
for any loose connections or cable damage.
■Unknown — The network configuration has
changed and the resilient link pair no longer con-
forms to the rules.
■Not Available — The resilient link pair is disabled.
Figure4-15 Unit Resilience Summary screen
Active Port Main / Standby / Both Failed This
read-only field displays which port in the resilient
link pair is currently carrying traffic:
■Main — The pair is operating in its normal state
with the main port carrying traffic.
■Standby — The main port has failed and the
standby port is carrying the traffic. You should
rectify the fault as soon as possible. If a main
port has a higher bandwidth than the standby
port, traffic will be aut omatically switched back
provided no loss of link is detected for two min-
utes. Otherwise, set the Active Port setting in
the Port Resilience screen (described on page
4-20) to Main to manua lly switch traffic back.
■Both Failed — Both ports of the resilient link pair
have failed. This could be due to loose connec-
tions or cable damage.