TCP/IP Configuration
PhaserPort for MacOS System Requirements
■Macintosh PowerPC.
■Apple's LaserWriter version 8.6 or later, with Desktop Printing enabled.
■OpenTransport version 1.1 or later networking. TCP/IP networking provided by MacTCP software is not supported. The Macintosh must be properly configured to communicate with the printer (see page 11).
Files and Installation
PhaserPort for MacOS consists of two files:
■PhaserPortLib, a special type of shared library recognized by the LaserWriter driver version 8.6.
■PhaserPort Printer Tool, a Macintosh PowerPC application for creating desktop printers that communicate with PhaserPortLib.
To install PhaserPort for MacOS:
1.Copy PhaserPortLib into the folder System Folder: Extensions: Printing
2.Copy the PhaserPort Printer Tool to any folder on the Macintosh.
Creating a Desktop Printer With PhaserPort for MacOS
1.Launch the PhaserPort Printer Tool.
2.In the Printer Internet Address field, type the printer’s IP address or DNS name.
3.In the Desktop Printer Name field, type a name for the desktop printer.
4.Click Verify to contact the printer over the TCP/IP network and verify it's network configuration.
5.Click Create to create the desktop printer.
6.In the Finder, use the Printing Menu's Setup command to finalize the configuration of the new desktop printer.
Certain utilities, such as Adobe Font Downloader, are not compatible with PhaserPort for MacOS software, because they attempt to directly communicate with the printer using the AppleTalk protocol. If you must use this software, create an AppleTalk desktop printer, and then delete this printer after running and quitting the
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