The icon conventions that are used throughout this guide are:
Icon | Type | Description |
| Information Note | Information notes call attention to |
| important features or instructions. |
| Caution | Cautions alert you to personal safety |
| risk, system damage, or loss of data. |
| Warning | Warnings alert you to the risk of |
| severe personal injury. |
The text conventions used in this guide are:
Convention | Description |
“Enter” vs. “Type” | When the word “enter” is used in this guide, |
| it means type something, then press the |
| [Return] or [Enter] key. Do not press the |
| [Return] or [Enter] key when an instruction |
| simply says “type.” |
Text represented as | This typeface is used to represent |
screen display | displays on your screen, for example: |
| Enter the unit’s IP address: |
Text represented as | This typeface is used to represent |
commands | commands that you enter, for example: |
| CO IS NU |
Keys | When specific keys are referred to in the |
| text, they are called out by their labels, such |
| as “the Return key” or “the Escape key,” or |
| they may be shown as [Return] or [Esc]. |
| If two or more keys are to be pressed |
| simultaneously, the keys are linked with a |
| plus sign (+), for example: |
| Press [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Del]. |
Italics | Italics are used to denote new terms or |
| emphasis. |