3M™ Advanced Systems Tester 900AST Series
The 900AST tester keypad has twelve yellow and red “Control Keys” and nine blue “Function Keys”. Additional blue keys on the keypad are reserved for future expansion and have no designation or current function.
Control Keys
Use the red and yellow keys to control and setup the 900AST tester and its functions.
Use the [Return] key to return to a previous step in a function.
Use the [Contrast] key to adjust the contrast or to turn the backlight on or off.
Use the [Save] key for storing TDR traces.
Use the [On/Off] key to turn the 900AST power on or off (also see “Power Down Timeout”).
Use the [Tab] key to select between different options.
Use the [Setup] key to change the setup of a function.
Use the [Help] key to get context sensitive help with any screen or function.
Use the [Enter] key to accept changes or move to the next step in a function. To insert a space to the left of the cursor press enter.
Use the [Up] and [Down] keys to scroll to different menu options or insert/delete characters when editing.
Use the [Left] and [Right] keys to select different options or move the TDR cursor