v Operating Systems:
Technical Reference
v | Bus interface: | |
v | Number of ports: | 4 |
v | Max. boards: | 4 |
v | I/O addr.: | 0x0000 ~ 0xFFFF |
v | IRQ: | 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 15 |
v | Comm. controller: | TI550C |
v | Speed (bps): | 50 ~ 921.6K |
v | Data bits: | 5, 6, 7, 8 |
v | Stop bits: | 1, 1.5, 2 |
v | Parity: | none, even, odd, space, mark |
v | Data signals: | |
| |
v | Connectors: | DB9 (male)¡Ñ4 |
vSurge protection: max. 2000V
v | max. 2000V |
vTermination resistor: 120 Ω
vOperating temp.: 0 ~ 55 ¢J
vPower requirement:
See the driver support list below.