Cleaning the Headgear Assembly
Use a soft cloth to remove dirt and grime. If the headgear requires further cleaning, remove the motor
housing assembly, the head harness assembly, the head seal assembly, the visor assembly, the main
filter, and the expander. Only the headgear shell may be immersed in a mild solution of soap and water.
Rinse the visor assembly with clean running water to remove dirt and shake off the excess water.
Handle the visor carefully to avoid unnecessary scratching. Allow all components to dry thoroughly
before reassembling.
Cleaning the Head Harness Assembly (Headband, Comfort Band, Cradle Assembly) and Head
Seal Assembly (Head Seal, Temple Seal)
Wipe with a cloth dampened with a solution of mild soap and water. Wipe off excess water
and allow to dry prior to reinstallation.
Cleaning the Motor Housing Assembly
In some environments, dust may gradually accumulate within the motor housing, which could reduce
the efficiency of the motor unit. The accumulated dust can be removed by first removing the prefilter
from its compartment and then using a vacuum cleaner to clean the prefilter side of the motor
housing. Do not use a vacuum or compressed air to force air directly through the motor/fan assembly.
This may cause the motor to spin too fast and damage the motor’s bearings.
After cleaning the system, inspect all parts for damage and wear, replacing parts if necessary. Allow
the components to dry completely, away from sunlight and direct heat. Store the system in a clean
area, away from moisture, heat, and direct sunlight. Storage temperatures must not exceed 120°F
Store your respirator at room temperature in a dry area that is protected from exposure to hazardous
TROUBLESHOOTINGLeave contaminated area immediately and follow these corrective action recommendations. Use the
table below to help identify possible causes.
Problem Possible Cause Corrective Action
Poor visibility
through faceshield
Faceshield is scratched.
Faceshield is coated with debris.
Faceshield is fogging.
Remove cover and replace.
Wipe debris off.
Replace visor.
Consider using faceshield covers.
Check airflow.
Install a new anti-fog visor AS-131.
Switch to motor housing assembly,
ultra AS-115 (AS-400 and AS-600 only).
Poor airflow
Battery discharged or worn out.
Filter and/or prefilter is clogged.
Filter/cartridge holder is damaged,
installed incorrectly, backwards or
not installed.
Incorrect filter/cartridge holder
Filter sleeve out of position or inside
motor housing.
Charge, service or replace.
Replace filter with new filter.
Remove and re-install as directed.
Replace if neccessary.
Use new holder for HE filter.
Remove blower housing and re-install
as directed.
Faceseal not fitting
tightly against face
Damaged or worn faceseal.
Cradle assembly not adjusted
Replace Faceseal.
Adjust as directed.
Dust getting inside
Filter sleeve out of position or inside
motor housing.
Filter torn during installation.
Filter not installed.
Remove blower housing and re-install
as directed.
Replace with new filter.
Install filter as directed.