Fig. 3 Fig. 4
Fig. 5 Fig. 6
• ThegreenLEDlightwillturnon.
• Insertthechargingleadintothebatterypack.
• TheLEDwillturnoff,indicatingthatthebatterypackattachedisbeingchargedinahighratemode.
• Afterapproximatelyeighthours(dependingontheamountofchargingrequired)theLEDwillturn
back on, indicating that the charger has switched to a trickle rate mode, preventing damage to the
battery from overcharge. For Canadian chargers, when in trickle mode, the LED light will cycle on
and off every 3 – 5 seconds.
• Tomaximizebatterylife,theseguidelinesshouldbefollowed:
– Charge 3M battery packs before they are completely discharged. Damage may occur if the
battery pack is completely discharged (“deep discharged”).
– 3M battery packs may be charged any time during the discharge cycle. Voltage depression (AKA,
memory) is not a significant factor for 3M PAPR battery packs. Whether it has been used 30
minutes or 8 hours, the battery pack may be charged.
– Always charge batteries at a temperature between 50° and 80°F (10° and 27ºC). At higher
temperatures, the battery pack may not accept a full charge. If a battery pack feels hot, let it cool
for 1/2 hour before charging.
– Batteries may be left on trickle rate mode to maintain optimum capacity for up to 30 days. Without
periodic charging, a NiCd battery in storage loses approximately 1% of its charge each day.
• Donotchargemultiplebatterypacksinanenclosedcabinetwithoutventilation.
PrefilterUnclip the outer grill and remove the prefilter. Replace with a clean prefilter. Snap the outer grill into place.
Note: If the outer grill hinge is opened beyond its normal position, it will disengage from the motor
housing assembly without damage. Reattach by pressing the hinge tab back into the socket on the
back of the headgear shell.
Main Filter/Cartridge and Motor Housing AssemblyThe filter/cartridge must be changed immediately when:
– High Efficiency Filter AS-140-5: The filter is damaged or the airflow indicator is not retained
in place during an airflow check when running on fully charged battery (see “Operating
Instructions” section in these User Instructions);
– Hydrogen Fluoride Cartridge AS-176: The cartridge has exceeded its estimated service life,
contaminant odor is detected or the airflow indicator is not retained in place during an airflow
check when running on a fully charged battery (see “Operating Instructions” section in these
User Instructions);
– The filter/cartridge has been damaged by outside forces;
– An excessive amount of water has been permitted to enter the filter/cartridge; or
– When applicable regulations or administrative procedures dictate.
Never attempt to clean filters. Knocking or blowing out accumulated material may result in damage
to the filter membrane allowing hazardous particles to enter the breathing zone, resulting in
sickness or death.
Disconnect the battery pack. Pull the spring clip towards the center of the headgear to disengage
the motor housing assembly. Pull the motor housing assembly out of the headgear shell (Fig. 3).
The head seal and headgear suspension can be removed for easier access if desired. With the filter/
cartridge holder still in place, grasp the end of the filter/cartridge at the front end of the headgear and
carefully pull the filter out of the headgear toward the front (Fig. 4).
Remove the filter/cartridge holder and discard the filter/cartridge in accordance with applicable
regulations. Do not clean or reuse filter/cartridges. Avoid inhaling dust from the inside of the used filter.
Remove accumulated dust from the filter/cartridge holder before reuse.
Insert the rounded end of the filter/cartridge holder into the new filter/cartridge. Push the filter/
cartridge holder into the filter/cartridge bag as far as it can go. For HE filters AS-140-5, make sure the
writing and dashed line on the collar is on the inside curve of the filter/cartridge holder (Fig. 5).
Slide the closed end of the filter/cartridge into the oval inlet in the back of the headgear.
Work the filter into position by gently pushing on the open end of the filter/cartridge and holder and by
pulling on the closed end of the filter from inside the headgear (Fig. 6).
The filter should be inserted until the filter sleeve is approximately two inches above the rim of the oval inlet.