Fig.15 Cable connection diagram
8-2 Channel 2: D-sub 9-pin
z The personal computer and medical equipment connected to the device are not allowed to
be in the patient area.
z The personal computer used must conform to IEC60950
Table 7 Channel 2 specifications
Standard Conforms to EIA RS-232C
Transmission Asynchronous, half-duplex
Baud rate 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 bps (Can be changed in the function setting mode “F08”.)
Data bits 8 bits
Parity bit None
Stop bits 1 bit
Equipment available for connection
Channel 1: Personal computer
Channel 2: Card reader
Pin assignment
Pin No. Signal name Direction Description
1 - - -
2 RXD In Receive data
3 TXD Out Send data
4 DTR Out Data terminal ready
5 GND - Signal ground
6 DSR In Data set ready
7 RTS Out Ready to send
8 CTS In Clear to send
9 - - -
Fig.16 Pin assignment
Cable connection between the device and a personal computer
TM-2655/TM-2655P Personal computer
The protocol depends
on the equipment