Opal Pro to Mod TCP
Opal Pro to Mod TCP
The Opal Pro can be monitored and controlled over an Ethernet communication network using the AB Ethernet IP protocol. The Opal Pro connects to the Ethernet network through and optional Ethernet card that is mounted on the main Opal Pro control card (CA530). Access is gained to the Ethernet card via the communication opening on the right side of the Opal Pro. The Opal Pro is a AB Ethernet IP slave and is mapped as I/O through an Ethernet bridge
Connection is made via a 10Mbaud Ethernet port which utilizes a RJ45 connector. Connection should be made using CAT 5 cable.
Jumper Settings
Jumper | Setting | Description |
J3 | Not installed | Boot Block write enable |
J4 | Installed on | Disable test mode |
| pins 1 and 2 |
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