Chapter 1 23
DC-AC inverter is used to generate very high AC voltage, to
support to LCD CCFT backlight user, and it is also responsible for
the control of LCD brightness. Avoid touching the DC-AC inverter
area while the system unit is turned on.
There is an EEPROM in the inverter, which stores it's supported
LCD type and ID code. If you replace a new inverter or replace
the LCD with one of a different brand, use Inverter ID utility to
update the ID information.
LCD Inverter
Item Specification
Vendor & model
name Ambit T62.121.C.00 (1 2.1”)
Ambit T62.122.C.00 (13.3”)
Input voltage (V) 7.3 (min.) - 21 (max.)
Input current
(mA) - - 1000 (max.)
Output voltage
(Vrms, no load) 1100 (min.) - 1400 (max.)
Output voltage
frequency (kHz) 40 (min.) - 65 (max.)
Item Specification
Output current
(mArms) Min. Typ. Max. Remark
Output current
(mArms) 6.3 7.0 7.7 Vadj.=3.2V
Output current
(mArms) 0.7 1.0 1.3 Vadj.=2.15V
Item Specifications
Vendor &
model name 12.1" Sharp
LM121SS1T53 12.1” Sanyo
TM121SV02L01 13.3" Hitachi
Mechanical Specifications
LCD display
area (diagonal,
12.1 12.1 13.3