boldface are the default and suggested parameter settings.
Parameter Description
Serial Port Enables or disables the serial port .
Options: Enabled or Disable d
Base Address Sets the I/O address of the serial port.
Options: 3F8h, 2F8h, 3E8h or 2E 8h
IRQ Sets the interrupt request of the serial port.
Options: 4 or 11
Infrared Port Enables or d isables the infrared port.
Options: Disabled or Enable d
Base Address Sets the I/O address of the infr ared port.
Options: 2F8, 3F8, 3E8 or 2E8
IRQ Sets the interrupt request of the infrared port.
Options: 3 or 10
DMA Channel Sets a DMA channel for the infrar ed port.
Options: 3 or 1
Parallel Port En ables or disables the par allel port.
Options: Enabled or Disabled
Base Address Sets the I/O address of the parallel port.
Options: 378h, 278h or 3BCh
IRQ Sets the interrupt request of the parallel port.
Options: 7 or 5
Mode Sets the operation mode of the parallel por t.
Options: ECP, Bi-directional, Standard, or EPP
Channel Sets a DMA channel for the p rinter to operate in ECP
mode. This parameter is enabled only if Operation Mode
is set to ECP.
Options: 1 or 3