Chapter 2 41
Load Default SettingsWhen you select this menu item, the following dialog box displays:
To load factory-default settings fo r all the parameters, select Yes and press
Enter. Otherwise, select No and press Enter.
When enabled and the s ystem resume date and ti me are valid,
the computer resumes (wa kes up) at the set time and da te.
Options: Disabled or Enabled
Date Sets the date the computer resu mes at i f Sy st em Re sume T i mer
is enabled.
Format: month/day/year
Time Sets the time the computer resumes at if System Resume T imer
is enabled.
Format: hour/minute/second
When enabled the system emits an audible warning be ep when
the unit is running low on battery.
Options: Enabled or Disabled
Sleep Upon
Battery-low When enabled the syst em switches into Sleep mode when the
unit is running low on battery.
Options: Enabled or Disabled
Parameter Description