Product Features
This 56K* PnP
•Conforms to the
•Supports Group 3: class 1 fax protocols.
•V.42bis and MNP 5 data compression. MNP2 - MNP4, V.42, and LAPM error correction.
•Call Waiting
*The External 56K Call Waiting Modem is capable of 56K downloads. However, due to FCC rules which restrict the power output of your ISP’s modems, current download speeds are limited to 53K bps. Depending on the conditions of your telephone lines, full 53K bps connections may not be achieved. In these cases, you will achieve speeds up to 53K bps.
Getting Started
This package contains:
•External 56K Call Waiting Modem
•User’s Manual
•Voice/Fax Data Communications Software
•serial cable
•telephone cable
•power adapter
•A Bonus Software CD