‘HOTKEYs’ and ‘L’ - Disconnects the AdderLink XR’s keyboard and mouse from the computer that they are controlling and switches off all the red status lights. The video signal is switched off. If a password has not been set then the AdderLink can be
‘HOTKEYs’ and ‘1’ - selects the remote computer attached to the XL unit ‘HOTKEYs’ and ‘2’ - selects the local computer attached to the XR unit (AdderLink Gold only)
‘HOTKEYs’ and ‘TAB’ – Selects the next computer (remote or local)
‘HOTKEYs’ and RETURN – Enters video compensation / configuration mode
Examples of common hotkey sequences (assuming CTRL + ALT hotkey option):
To lock the AdderLink
press baL release Lba
To 'tab through' computers (AdderLink Gold):
press bavrelease vpress v
release vpress vrelease vba
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