System Administrator’s Guide to Installing DataMgr
Back Up Databases
To effectively and efficiently manage your clients’ file systems, coordinate the execution of the following utilities by scheduling them as cron jobs:
•/etc/dmfs/user/utils/dmfsscan — controls file migration.
•/etc/bfs/usr/utils/bfsmaint — copies and replicates migrated files according to the defined storage policy as well as manages the retention and expiration of migrated files.
ADIC recommends that you schedule these administrative tasks after the backup of a client’s managed file systems has completed. Therefore, the sequence of execution should be as follows:
Step 1. Back up the DMFS client managed file system with the DataMgr dmmode command and one of the following:
•Or, the UNIX tar or cpio command.
Step 2. Edit, if needed, a cron job to back up the BFS Database with /etc/bfs/usr/utils/bfsdb_backup. For days and times, see “Schedule cron Jobs” on page
While the BFS database is being backed up, the database is locked to prevent any modifications to the database until the backup is complete. Successful backups are sent to /etc/dm/raima/log/
Setup Tasks |