3. Operating Modes Notification Appliance Circuit (NAC) Operation
8Unimode 400 Operations PN 50709:A 10/20/97
Notification Appliance Circuit (NAC) Operation
The four NACs (TB7-TB10 on the MPS-400) have Control-by-Event and trouble
functions like M500CH addressable modules on the SLC loop. NAC circuits differ
from M500CH modules in the following ways:
Addresses (last three characters in LCD field) are B01, B02, B03, or B04;
The default type code field is “Bell Circuit”; and
Control panel NACs, except those controlled with M500CH modules, can be used
for coded functions (March Time, California Code, Temporal, and Two-stage).
Control-By-Event Operation
Note: Zones F0-F9 are reserved
for special functions such as
cross-zoning (refer to the
Unimode400 Programming
Control-by-event (CBE) control is done through 99 software zones. Each input point
(detector, M500M) and output point (M500CH, NAC) can be programmed to list up to
five software zones. Non-Alarm or Supervisory points do not activate software zone
Z00 (general alarm). You can list zone Z00 for output points, but you do not need to list
Z00 for input points.
Input and output devices with listed software zones work as follows:
Inputs – When an input device (detector or M500M) activates, so do all software
zones listed to the input device.
Outputs – When a software zone activates, the output device turns on.
CBE Example Detector D102 lists zone Z05. B01 lists zone Z05 and zone Z07.
1. Detector D102 activates.
2. Zone Z05 activates.
3. B01 activates.
Releasing Functions
Note: Refer to Appendix A for
more information about
releasing functions.
Overview Zones R0-R9 are reserved for releasing zones—providing up to ten
independent releasing operations. Each releasing zone includes the following options:
Table 4 Cross Zoning Options
Option Description
Cross-zoning Select one of three types of cross-zoning. Refer to Table 5.
Delay Timer Select a 0–60 second delay before activating a zone.
Abort An abort switch-type code used to abort activation of a zone.
Manual Release Allows immediate zone activation by overriding the abort function,
cross-zone function, and delay timer.
Man. Rel. Delay Same as Manual Release, except releasing occurs 10 seconds after
“Man. Rel. Delay” is activated.
Soak Timer Automatically shuts off the releasing device. Select 0001-9999 seconds
for a Soak Timer or 0000 seconds for no Soak Timer.
Second Shot Reactivates release output after the Soak Timer times out.