Go to the “Inbound” parameters section and configure the “Number of Digits from CO” to 10. Configure all of the other trunk group parameters as necessary. Please refer to the ShoreTel Administration Guide for details on the configuration parameters. Once you‟ve modified the trunk group parameters as needed “Save” your changes.
Note: If this a new trunk group you will be prompted to allow access to all user groups, it‟s always good practice to allow all user groups access to the newly created trunk group, but you can “Cancel” the request and provide individual user groups access to this new trunk group.
Using ShoreWare Director configure the ShoreGear T1 as follows:
Go to the “Layer 3:” parameter section, configure the “Protocol Type” for “ISDN User” and the “Central Office Type” for
Scroll towards the bottom of the page to the channel parameters:
960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 www.ShoreTel.com
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