33 AIMB-221 User Manual
Chapter 2 Connecting Peripherals
2.12 GPIO1
General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) is used in embedded electronics field. GPIO
devices provide a set of IO ports that can be configured for either input or output,
compounded by the resemblance to GP1 and GP0. The GPIO peripheral provides
dedicated general-purpose pins that can be configured as either inputs or outputs.
When configured as an output, you can write to an internal register to control the
state driven on the output pin. When configured as an input, you can detect the state
of the input by reading the state of an internal register.
In addition, the GPIO peripheral can produce CPU interrupts and enhanced Direct
Memory Access (EDMA) events in different interrupt/event generation modes.
For more GPIO porting and sample code, please refer to the Appendix A.
pin.1 GPIO_24 pin.2 GPIO_60
pin.3 VCC pin.4 GND
pin.5 GPIO_25 pin.6 GPIO_61
pin.7 GND pin.8 GND
pin.9 GPIO_26 pin.10 GPIO_62
pin.11 GND pin.12 GND
pin.13 GPIO_27 pin.14 GPIO_63