Agilent 6800 series setup
•Connect the ac source output to the ac input of the equipment under test.
•Use the computer to develop a 1024 point array representing a cycle of voltage amplitude data.
•Use the TRACe:DEFine command to name the waveform CLASS 1 and allocate
•Use the TRACe:DATa command to send the 1024 point array to the ac power source/analyzer.
•Set the Shape to List mode.
•Set the List points as follows:
List Point | Shape | Dwell Time |
1 | Sine | 120 s |
2 | CLASS1 | 120 s |
3 | Sine | 120 s |
•Set the List to sequence automatically.
•Set the transient trigger source to BUS.
•Initiate the transient trigger.
•Enable the output.
•Send a Bus trigger.
Upon receipt of the trigger, the first List step is executed and the output is set to a 120 Vrms, 60 Hz sinewave. After 120 seconds, the ac power source/ analyzer automatically executes the second List step. The output will remain at the CLASS 1 test level for 120 seconds and then will execute the third List step. After the entire List is executed, the output of the ac power source/analyzer will return to the Fixed mode levels.
Timing Diagram for Application #5 | 25 |