Action: Turn the power on.
Result: Display will flash all yellow 1 time, flash all green 5
times and then display all green. This confirms that the monitor
is in the calibration mode. Proceed to step two.
Display after completion of step one.
On all diagrams the Letters R=Red, G=Green, Y=Yellow,
Blank=no LED lit.
Action: Press and release the status button one time.
Result: This enters the monitor into diagnostics. Display will light
the Fresh Water, Gray Water 1, Gray Water 2, Black Water, and
LP Gas. The Diagnostic LED will light green. If a sensor is
installed and is working correctly, the LED beside the system will
light green. If a sensor is not installed or is not connected, the
LED beside the system will display yellow. If a system LED
displays yellow, it will not be included in the calibration
routine. The most likely cause is the RJ11 connectors are not
installed correctly or the sensor is not plugged in. When all
installed systems are displaying a green LED, proceed to step 3.
Display after completion of step 2.
On all diagrams the Letters R=Red, G=Green, Y=Yellow,
Blank=no LED lit.