AIRSTREAM LAND YACHT GAS Sealand Toilet Traveler Lite Series
1) 344089 Seat assembly, Bone
2) 310791 Chins bowl kit, Bone
3) 310048 Ring and half clamp kit,
4) 316140 TeflonĀ® & Rubber seal
5) 310802 Base kit, Bone (includes
3, 4,
6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 17)
6) 381162 Ball, shaft, and cartridge
7) 341549 Floor flange seal
8) Floor flange, see drain plumbing section
of this book
9) 310064 Floor bolt mounting kit
10) 310118 Pedal cover kit
11) 314349 Water valve kit
13) 340825 Flush lever
14) 340177 Supply hose, Bone
15) 310687 Vacuum breaker kit
15a) 319054 Vacuum breaker kit,
15b) 340683 Hand spray, white
15c) 230335 Vacuum breaker (used
16) 310796 Vacuum breaker cover
kit, Bone
17) 310109 Pedestal cover kit, Bone
Sealand Technology is ready to assist you in the event service is required. Before calling, please have the
following information available.
1. Toilet Model Number
2. Serial Number
3. Part Number, Description, and Quantity.
For the name of the nearest authorized service center please call 1-800-321-9886 between the hours of 8:00
AM and 5:00 PM, Eastern Time.