MACHETE BOOM 3/09 Introduction Section 2-3
©2009 Alamo Group Inc.
Your Machete Boom Mower is designed for heavy-duty cutting in limited access areas such as highway, park,
and rural roadsides, overhea d growth, ditch es, levees, and other such gr ass and limb control u ses in gener ally
hard-to-reach ar eas. Your Mach ete Boom ca n be equip ped with a variety of cutting heads de signed for spe cific
cutting needs.
The Machete Head: Rotary unit, 60" wide cut, up to 5" vegetation, front safety gate.
The Flail Axe Head: Fail unit, 48" wide cut, up to 5" vegetation.
The FML 100H Head: Flail unit, 38" wide cut, up to 6" vegetation, front safety gate
Throughout this Manual front and rear, left and right are determined by the normal direction of travel, the same
as driving an automobile.F ront and rear, and left and right are determined by the normal direction of travel (the
same as on your automobile).