Editing Effects
QuadraSynth Reference Manual 109
Mod Source
The Mod Source parameter selects the MIDI controller which will remotely cause a
change (modulate) in one or two of the parameters in the effects processor. Nearly
every MIDI controller can become a Mod Source (using controllers A-D, set in Global
mode, page 3), with the most common controllers appearing as a direct option in the
display. Quad Knob [1] selects the Mod Source. The options for the Mod Source are:
¥ After Touch ¥ Mod Wheel ¥ Pitch Wheel
¥ MIDI Volume ¥ Sustain Pedal ¥ Pedal 1 and Pedal 2
¥ Controller AÑD
Mod Destination
The Mod Destination is the parameter that will be controlled by the selected Mod
Source. Quad Knob [2] selects the Mod Destination. The possible Destination
parameters are:
¥ Pitch Speed ¥ Pitch Depth ¥ Pitch level
¥ Pitch Balance ¥ Delay Time ¥ Delay Feedback
¥ Delay Level ¥ Reverb Balance ¥ Reverb Input
¥ Reverb Decay ¥ Reverb Low Decay ¥ Reverb High Decay
¥ Reverb Diffusion ¥ Reverb Level
If the selected Configuration has a particular effect on more than one effect send (for
example, Config. #1 has a delay on each send), then some Mod Destination
parameters will be listed more than once. For example, the Delay Time parameter
will appear four times (ÒD1 Time,Ó ÒD2 Time,Ó ÒD3 Time,Ó and ÒD4 TimeÓ). In the
case of Pitch, where you can choose from various pitch effects, different parameters
are available depending on the effect chosen. However, the Mod Destinations retain
their names. Example: If the Resonator is the Pitch effect, the Pitch Speed Modulation
Destination controls the first parameter in the Resonator (Tuning).
Mod Level
The Mod level is the amount that the Destination parameter will be affected by the
Mod Source. Use Quad Knob [3] to affect the Destination parameter by a positive or
negative amount. In other words, if the Reverb Decay was selected as the Destination
with the mod wheel as the Source, the mod wheel could be programmed to cause the
Reverb to increase the decay (positive) or decrease the decay (negative).
NameThe function allows you to change the name of the you are editing. Use the PAGE
[¬] and [®] buttons to move the cursor through each character in the current name.
Use Quad Knob [1] to change the selected character. Here is a chart of available
! " #$%&’
*+, - . / 0123
456789: ; <=>?@ABCDEFG
¥] ^_` abcdef
kl mno
z{| } ®¬