Editing Programs
86 QuadraSynth Reference Manual
Note (000 to 127/C-2 to G8)
Each drum can be assigned to a single note which will trigger the drum sound when
played. Quad Knob [1] specifies the note assignment of the selected drum (000 to
127/C-2 to G8). You can also set the note assignment by holding Quad Switch [1] and
tapping the key on the keyboard you want to set as the note for the drum. Use Quad
Knob [4] to select the drum (1Ñ10) you wish to edit.
Only one drum can be assigned to a single note within a single Program sound layer. If more
than one drum in a single sound is assigned to the same note number, only the higher number
drum will sound.
Decay (0 to 99)
Quad Knob [1] in the Amp Envelope function lets you adjust the Decay time of the
selected drum (00 to 99). If this is set to 0, only the very beginning of the drum
sample is played; setting this to 99 will cause the entire drum sample to play. Use
Quad Knob [4] to select the drum (1Ñ10) you wish to edit.
Mute Group (Off, 1, 2, or 3)
This is an important feature when using multiple sounds of the same instrument.
Mute Groups allow multiple drums to share a single voice. For example, if you have
assigned a Closed Hat and an Open Hat to two different notes, playing either note
should cut-off the other (if it had recently been played). This creates a more realistic
sound, since an actual Hi Hat is only capable of making one sound at a time.
In the Amp Envelope function, Quad Knob [2] is used to assign the selected drum to
one of the three Mute Groups. In our example above, both Hi Hat drums would be
assigned to the same Mute Group. The additional Mute Groups can be used by other
sounds that you wish to cut-off each other, but do not want to interfere with the Hi
Hat sounds. Use Quad Knob [4] to select the drum (1Ñ10) you wish to edit.