Editing Programs
QuadraSynth Reference Manual 71
Pitch LFO (Page 1)The Pitch LFO is most often used to apply vibrato to a sound.
The following Pitch LFO variables will make a difference in the sound only if the PITCH LFO
DEPTH (on Page 2 of the PITCH function) is set to a value other than 0, or, if the Pitch LFO
is a source in the MOD function.
Wave (7 choices)The waveform determines the shape of the LFO. Use Quad Knob [1] to select either
Sine, Triangle, Square, Up Saw, Down Saw, Random or Noise.
Speed (00 to 99)Quad Knob [2] controls the speed or rate of the LFO. For fast modulation, increase
this value. For slower modulation, decrease this value.
Delay (00 to 99)
This is the amount of time that is to occur before the LFO kicks in. Sometimes, it is
desirable to have modulation come in a moment or two after a note has been played,
rather than starting instantly. The higher the value, the slower the LFO kicks in.
Trigger (Mono, Poly, Key Mono, or Key Poly)The Trigger parameter determines how the LFO should be triggered, or started.
There are four possible settings: Mono, Poly, Key Mono and Key Poly. When playing
multiple voices in a single sound, each voice has its own LFO. However, the LFO
Trigger parameter determines whether or not they should be in sync, and whether or
not they can be retriggered independent from one another.