QuadraSynth Reference Manual 39
Preset Memory and User MemoryThe QuadraSynth has two internal memory banks for Mixes, Programs and Effects
Patches: and . The Preset bank is kept in ROM (Read Only Memory), and therefore
cannot be altered. However, the User bank is stored in RAM (Random Access
Memory). Anytime you want to keep an edited version of a Mix, Program or Effects
Patch, you will store it into the User bank. If you want to permanently change a Mix,
Program or Effect Patch that is in the Preset bank, you can store the edited version
into the User bank (in either the same number location or a different number
location). However, this requires that you Òstore over,Ó losing whatever was
previously in that location. If you donÕt want to lose any of the sounds in the User
bank, you should back-up the entire bank to either an external SRAM PCMCIA card,
or (via MIDI System Exclusive) into a data storage device like the Alesis DataDisk or
a MIDI sequencer. See Chapter 9 for more information on external storage
StoringThe [STORE] button selects Store mode. Store mode has 7 pages which you can scroll
through by using the PAGE [¬] and [®] buttons. Each page in Store mode provides
a different type of storage, copy or data transfer function. When storing edited Mixes,
Programs or Effects into the User bank, you will use the first page of Store mode (for
more information about the other pages of Store mode, see Chapter 9). If you press
[STORE] while in Mix mode, the display will look like this:
PAGE: 1234567
Once you have edited a Mix, a Program, or an Effect, the word ÒEDITEDÓ will
appear in the display. If this word appears next to the Mix Number, the Mix has been
edited; if it appears next to the Program Number, the Program has been edited; if it
appears next to the Effect Number, the Effect has been edited.
Each edit mode type requires its own store operation. For example, if while making a
new Mix you also make changes within one of the Programs (such as lowering the
filter level) and make changes within the Effect (such as increasing the reverb decay
time), you must press [STORE] three different times (from Mix Edit, Program Edit
and Effect Edit modes) in order to save your work.
If you select a different Mix while in Mix Edit mode, or a different Program in
Program Edit mode, you will lose all changes you have made, unless you perform a
store first.
You can only store Mixes, Programs, and Effects into their respective User banks. The Preset
banks are permanently stored in ROM and cannot be saved over.