28 n Check that 1;11 you removed all the

shipping pieces, including the three shipping straps with keys.

Ir you do not remove all three shlpplng straps, your washer/dryer may “walk” away from Its locatlon.

29 n Check that you have all your tools.

30 n Turn on water faucets

and check for leaks. Tighten couplings if there is leaking.

31 n Plug power supply cord into grounded outlet.

32 n Replace the access panel. E3e sure to tighten screws at each end of the access panel.

33 n Read the Use and Care Guide to fully understand your new washer/dryer. Now start the washer and allow it to complete the regular cycle.

Recessed and closet nstallatlon :nstructions

Fire Hazard

l It Is recommended that the washer/dryer be exhausted to the outslde.

lIf washer/dryer Is Installed In a closet, the dryer MUSTbe exhausted outslde.

Failure to do so may result In a tire.

To prevent large amounts ot llnt and molsture trom accumulating and to malntaln drylng etflclency, and to prevent exposure to possible health hazards, thls appliance should be exhausted outdoors.


The installation spacing is in inches and is the minimum allowable.

Additional spacing should be considered for ease of installation, servicing and

compliance with local codes and ordinances.

If closet door is installed, the minimum unobstructed air openings in top and bottom are required. Louvered doors with equivalent air openings are acceptable. Closet installation must be exhausted.

Other installations must use the minimum dimensions indicated.




front view

side view



7.4 cm




(3 In) -D


Mlnlmum lnstallatlon spacing

Note: If recessed installation is exhausted, all spacing can be 0 cm (0 in).

Additional clearance for wall, door and floor molding may be required.

Closet installation

Product dimensions

Rear view

&24” + 4


drain 27-l/2”


Side view

39 cm

m=.,cm (21~5/16ln) j

13.3 cm

-5-l/4 In)

182.3cm (71-314 In)




(32-l/2 In)



(27-l/4 In) -


front view -

H Remove tape from drver door and open dryer door. Remove tape across the dryer lint screen. Check to be sure lint screen is in its proper position. Wipe out drum with a damp cloth to remove any dust. Start dryer and allow it to complete a heat cycle to make sure the dryer is working properly.

35 H Finally, save all literature and keep with washer/dryer.


To get the most efflclent use from

1Congratulations! \

Keep lnstallatlon lnstructlons nearby



309.7 tq.cm Tf(48 sq. In)

L- closet door

Unobstructed air openings are minimum for closet door. Louvered door with equivalent air openings is acceptable.

side view

-4 +gnc;”

309.7sq. cm

(48 sq. In)

Additional space may be needed fooywyaust



2.5 cm (1 In)

Closet installation must be exhausted outdoors.

Recessed, non-exhausted installation must use only the rear exhaust position and Exhaust

Deflector Kit No. 4500 is required.

Panel E

Page 6
Image 6
Alliance Laundry Systems Washer/Dryer Product dimensions, +gnc, Recessed Installation, Closet installation, Panel E