command. The [UIDnE] command should be used to disable all levels and enable only the unit that needs to be controlled. This command can not be used with unit ID 0 or 1.
For example, at power up, all units can be controlled. To control level 3 only, issue the command - [UID3E].
kk= input number 01 to 16 mm = output number 01 to 16
This command connects the specified input to outputs and switches them immediately.
For example, if you want to connect input 2 to output 11 and switch, type [I02O11]. If input number 00 is used, that input is disconnected from the selected output. The connection stays active until those particular inputs or outputs are disabled or the unit is reset.
xx= input number 01 to 16 mm = output number 01 to 16 P = path
This command loads input to output connections, but does not switch. Through this command input to output connections are loaded (path is set), but not switched until a [SW] command or a direct connection command of [IxxOmm] is sent. This command is used to select multiple inputs and multiple outputs without switching. This is a very useful command for scene or salvo switching. If input number 00 is used that input is disconnected from the selected output
For example, If you want to connect input 2 to output 11 and do not switch, type [I02O11P]
kk= Input number 01 to 16 mm = Output number 01 to 16 n = Unit ID# (n=2 to 9)
This command allows any input to be connected individually to any output within the HOMERUN module with a specific Unit ID. For
example, in a RGBHV + Mono Audio combination where RGB = Unit ID2, HV = Unit ID3, and Mono Audio = Unit ID4, the [I12O10U2] command will connect input 12 to output 10 on RGB units and not on HV or audio modules. [I03O10U4] will connect input 3 to output 10 on audio modules and not on RGBHV units.
If n = 1, units will respond to any command. If n= 0, then none of the units will respond to any issued command.
kk= Input number 01 to 16 mm = Output number 01 to 16 n = unit ID# (n=2 to 9)
P = path
This command allows any input to be connected to any output on a particular module, but not switched. For example, in an RGBHV + Mono Audio combination where RGB = Unit ID2, HV = Unit ID3, and Mono Audio = Unit ID4, by putting n=3, one can easily load H&V signals only for switching or by using n=4 one can easily load only audio for switching. No switching take places until any of the switch [SW] or [IxxOmm] or [IxxOmmUn] commands are received. This command is very helpful in large matrix systems or when using PC based software.
If n = 1, units will respond to any command and if n= 0, then none of the units will respond to any issued command.
kk= specific input to be controlled
This command selects the input to control. Once the input number to be controlled is set by this command, that input can be connected to multiple outputs through the connect command, [IXXOmmC].
mm = output number 00 to 16