Connecting Three or More IRDs andTVs (North American Systems Only)
To install three or more IRD/TV pairs, an active multiswitch
(Channel Master model 6214IFD or equivalent) must be placed
between the antenna unit and the IRDs. Figure 2-18 illustrates
typical wiring arrangements for multiple IRDs. Mount the
multiswitch unit in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instruction sheet.
1. Connect the RF cable tagged “RF1” to the
multiswitch input labeled “LNB RHCP +13V.”
2. Connect a second RF cable to the multiswitch
input labeled “LNB LHCP +18V.”
3. Connect the multiswitch outputs to individual IRD
inputs. Use RG-6 cable terminated with
F-type connectors for all RF connections.
4. Terminate all unused output connectors with
75 ohm DC blocks (Channel Master #7184, Radio
Shack #15-1259 or equivalent).
A Guide to TracVision C3
Figure 2-18
Installing Three or More IRDs
Using an Active Multiswitch
(North American Systems Only)
TracVision C3 has the capability to
switch from one satellite to another
when you choose TV channels that
are carried by your two selected
satellites.However, the use of an
active multiswitch may interfere with
the 22 KHz tone sent by DIRECTV
DSS Plus™IRDs to the antenna.As
a result, the antenna may not
receive the signal to change
satellites when you change
channels using your DIRECTV DSS
Plus remote.
In this case, you will need to use
the optional TV/SAT Switch* or a
PC as described in Section 3.2,
“Changing Channels and Switching
Between Satellites.”
* To order a TV/SAT Switch (KVH Part
Number 01-0245), please call
+1 401 847-3327.
Out 1 Out 2 Out 3 Out 4
DC Power
IRD #1 IRD #2 IRD #4IRD #3
TracVision RF Connectors