3. Apply power to the TracVision C3 system and
allow the system to complete full initialization.
Data should be scrolling on the PC display to
identify any system problems detected. If no data
is seen, recheck your connections and the terminal
software setup.
Installing the Satellite of Choice
Once the data connection has been made between the PC and the
TracVision C3, you must assign the satellites you wish to have in
the satellite pair. On the maintenance screen, put the antenna in
Idle Mode by typing HALT, then enter the SATINSTALL
Command: SATINSTALL,<sat_a_name>,<sat_b_name><cr>
(<cr> indicates a carriage return/ENTER key)
Where: <sat_a_name> = the name of your choice for
Satellite A
<sat_b_name> = the name of your choice for
Satellite B
Table 2-5 lists the assigned names for satellites that are in the
preprogrammed European and North American satellite library.
If you do not wish to assign a pair of satellites, enter None as the
name of Satellite B.
After you have assigned satellites as Satellites Aand B, the final
step is to tell the antenna which of the two satellites it should
acquire and track. This step should be carried out the first time a
satellite is selected, allowing the system to carry out the initial
download of the channel guide. To do so, enter the Satellite
Selection parser command as follows:
Command: @L,x<cr>
Where: x = A or B (one of your selected satellites as
defined during the SATINSTALL process)
Choosing Aor B will assign the antenna to acquire and track that
installed satellite. To complete the process, type ZAP<cr>to
restart the system. Be sure the IRD satellite configuration matches
your chosen TracVision C3 settings.
A Guide to TracVision C3
Satellite Install Name
European Satellites
Hispasat 30.0ºWHISPASAT
Hotbird 13.0ºEHOTBIRD
Sirius 5.0ºESIRIUS
Thor 0.8ºWTHOR
North American Satellites
DSS 101ºWDSS_101
DSS 119ºWDSS_119
EchoStar 61ºWEcho_61
EchoStar 110ºWEcho_110
EchoStar 119ºWEcho_119
EchoStar 148ºWEcho_148
ExpressVu Expressvu
Other Installation Designations
User-defined 1 USER1*
User-defined 2 USER2*
None None
* USER1 and USER2 will only be
available if one or two user-defined
satellites have been added to the
library as detailed in Section 2.5.2,
“Programming User-defined Satellites.”
Table 2-5
Installation Names