Analog Signal Strength Report
Function: reports signal strength from RF detector circuit in
A/D counts (000-FFF Hex)
Argument: none
Response: Signal Strength = xxxx
E.5 RF Board CommandsSerial Communications,Status/Polarization Report, Tone Changes
Function: start serial communications, reports status &
polarization/tone changes
Command: @S
Response: S,s,p,b,m <cr> every 5 seconds until ><cr>is
returned from system software
Where: s = Satellite (a = Primary, b = Secondary)
p = Polarization (v = Vertical, h = Horizontal,
r = Right, l = Left, x = No LNB Power)
b = Band (h = High Band, l = Low band, u = USA)
m = Mode (v = Valid, i = Invalid)*
* The Mode bit is used to evaluate the Satellite, Polarization, & Band
combination vs.the Frequency/Symbol Rate/FEC currently in RAM. This bit will
be set to invalid if the Frequency for the selected combination is set to 0x0000;
otherwise it will be set to valid.
Maintenance Port Parser Commands
54-0159 Rev.G