E.3 Operational Commands
To execute the following commands, first put the antenna unit in
idle mode by typing HALTand pressing “ENTER.” After the
system comes to a halt, type DEBUGON and press “ENTER” to
enter programming mode.
Tracking Mode
Function: starts active tracking of the satellite
Command: TRACK
Argument: none
Response: echoes the command
Idle Mode
Function: halts active tracking and conical scan, then enters
idle mode
Command: HALT
Argument: none
Response: echoes the command
Current Cable Wrap Angle
Function: sets or reports current cable wrap angle, defined as
(CCW limit) to 700° (CW limit); the value is
expressed as 0000-7000 with an implied decimal
Command: WRAPANGLE,xxxx
Argument: the desired cable wrap angle setting
Response: Wrap Angle = xxxx
E.4 Tracking and Conical Scan Commands
Target Location
Function: reports the target location in antenna frame. Data
format is E### for elevation in degrees 000-900 and
A#### for azimuth in degrees 0000-3599 with
implied decimals
Argument: none
Response: Target Location = A = E###, A####
B = E###, A####
A Guide to TracVision C3
Table E-4
Tracking and Conical
Scan Commands
Table E-3
Operational Commands