2. Open the terminal emulation software and
establish the following settings:
•9600 baud
•no parity
•8 data bits
•1 start bit
•1 stop bit
•no flow control
3. Once the data connection is made, enter the
Satellite Selection command as follows:
Command: @L,x<cr>
(<cr> indicates a carriage return/ENTER key)
Where: x = A or B (whichever satellite you want to
To select Satellite A, you would enter @L,A<cr>.
To select Satellite B, you would enter @L,B<cr>.
4. The antenna unit shifts to track the second
3.3 Watching TelevisionTracVision C3 is designed to operate as efficiently and as reliably
as possible both when your vessel is in motion and at rest.
Cable Unwrap
The antenna unit can rotate a full 720° before coming to the end
of its cable. If it does so, the system automatically unwraps the
cable by quickly rotating the dish in the opposite direction.
During this process, your television transmission will be frozen
momentarily while the cable unwraps and the antenna reacquires
the satellite.
Sleep Mode
When the vessel has come to a stop and the antenna holds its
position for 1 minute (e.g., at a dock), the antenna unit enters
Sleep Mode, which turns off the conical scan tracking, reducing
any motor noise the antenna may be making. As soon as the
vessel moves beyond a 1ºwindow, Sleep Mode will automatically
be turned off and the system will begin tracking the satellite
again. This convenient feature is ideal for when a vessel is
docked and passengers want to watch TV.
Using Your TracVision C3
54-0159 Rev.G