continued from page 53
c.Failed motor.
d.Failed blower (impellor/fan) drive shaft bearings.
G.Both drive motor and blower (impellor /fan) motor is not operating (do not start) and indicator light is on...
1.Fault in L1 or L2 termination(s) between terminal block and contactors (relays).
2.Failed contactors (both blower and drive).
3.Failed motors (both blower and drive) .
H.Heating unit is not operating (no heat)...no voltage at heating unit (i.e., Gas Model, DSI module, or Steam Model damper system pneumatic solenoid)...
1.Fault in sail switch circuit...
a.Sail switch is out of adjustment or has failed.
b.Sail switch damper is not closing or is fluttering...
1)Lint drawer screen is dirty.
2)Restriction in exhaust.
3)No exhaust air flow...
a)Failed impellor (fan/blower) "squirrel cage."
b)Loose or failed impellor (fan) assembly drive
c)Fault in impellor (fan/blower) motor circuit...refer to Item E and Item F on page 44 in this section.
2.Tripped burner manual reset
3.Tripped lint chamber sensor bracket tumbler (basket) manual reset
4.Failed temperature selection switch or circuit.
5.Failed temperature cycle thermostat (try another selection).
6.Failed heat timer.