Chapter Two: Command Set
Command Argument Description
-l / --ldname <ldname>
-m/--cachemode <cache mode>
Cache Modes - ld
0 - None 1 - Read
2 - Write 3 - Read-Write
rescan raid -n/--controllerno <controller number>
Initiates rescanning of the storage
bus connected to the controller.
remove raid -t/--type {spare}
-d / --diskname <diskname or slotindex>
-l/ --ldname <ldname> (for dedicated spare)
-n/--controllerno <controllerno>
For example: remove -t spare -d 3 -n 0 raid
remove -t spare -l /dev/md0 -d /dev/sdb raid
Removes a drive assigned as a
spare disk or dedicated disk.
add raid -t/--type {spare}
-d / --diskname or slotindex or
l/--ldname <ldname>(for dedicated spare)
-n/--controllerno <controllerno>
For example: add -t spare -d 1:4 -n 0 raid
Adds the given drive as a global or
dedicated hot spare.
upgrade raid -t/--type {controller}
-n/--controllerno <controller number>
-o /--code <code>
-l/ --length <length>
Upgrades the firmware for
upgrade raid -t/--type {pd}
-d / --diskname <diskname or slotindex>
-n/--controllerno <controller number>
-o /--code <code>
-l/ --length <length>
Upgrades the firmware for a
physical disk.