Menu Items
Environmental Monitoring
Purpose | Use the Environmental Monitoring menu to configure settings for |
| monitoring contact closures and for obtaining information about the |
| temperature and humidity sensed by up to two probes. |
Status: probes
Item | Definition |
Temperature | Reports the temperature (Celsius) sensed by the unit’s |
| probes. |
High Temperature | Reports whether current temperature exceeds the high |
Violation | temperature threshold (Yes or No) or reports that the |
| threshold is disabled. |
Low Temperature Violation | Reports whether current temperature violates the low |
| temperature threshold (Yes or No) or reports that the |
| threshold is disabled. |
Humidity | Reports the relative humidity (as a percentage) sensed |
| by the unit’s probes. |
High Humidity Violation | Reports whether current humidity exceeds the high |
| humidity threshold (Yes or No) or reports that the |
| threshold is disabled. |
Low Humidity Violation | Reports whether current humidity violates the low |
| humidity threshold (Yes or No) or reports that the |
| threshold is disabled. |
Trap Thresholds | Defines the thresholds for high and low temperature (in |
| Celsius) and for relative humidity (as a percentage) that |
| the unit uses to identify a trap condition. |
Send Traps On | Enables or disables sending traps for each threshold. |
Continued on next page
Environmental Monitoring Unit: User’s Guide | 8 |