network management card
8- Current Limit
The alarm action that occurs if one or more converters have
been forced into the “current limited” mode.
Allowed values: any standard alarm selectiona or n of Nb.
9- Standby Alarm The alarm action that occurs if one or more of the converters are
in standby mode.
Allowed values: any standard alarm selectiona or n of Nb.
10- Fan Failure
The alarm action that occurs if the fan fails in one or more
Allowed values: any standard alarm selectiona or n of Nb.
11- Failure Alarm The alarm action that occurs if the output of one or more
converters fails.
12- Hardware
Voltage Alarm:
The alarm action that occurs if converter voltage is outside
reasonable limits or if a voltage measurement failure occurs.
Note: There is a single converter voltage for all converters.
Allowed values: any standard alarm selectiona.
13- Accept Changes Use this option to save your changes.
Converter Alarms Description
a Standard alarm selections:
Major activates the major relay.
Minor activates the minor relay.
Relay 1 through Relay 6 activates the relay specified.
Ignore ignores the alarm.
b n of N activates the alarm setting for menu item 4 (1 of N) if one converter fails, or
activates the alarm setting for menu item 5 (2 of N) if two or more converters fail.