network management card
Power Modules: Rectifiers and Converters

From the Device Manager menu, type 1 to select DC Power Plant. Then

type 2 to select Power Modules. The following options are displayed.

1- Rectifiers
2- Converters

Each option has sub-menus for parameters, alarms, and status.

Rectifiers. From the Rectifiers sub-menu, type 1 for configurable Rectifier


Rectifier Parameters Description
1- High Voltage Threshold (V) If rectifier voltage exceeds this value, a rectifier high
voltage alarm occurs. To set the alarm action, see
Rectifier Alarms.
2- Low Voltage Threshold (V) If rectifier voltage drops below this value, a rectifier low
voltage alarm occurs. To set the alarm action, see
Rectifier Alarms.
3- Fail Safe (V) The value sent to rectifier controllers to use if
communication is lost with the master controller or if
the master controller board fails.
4- Communications Fail (sec) The time in seconds (60 by default) that a rectifier
waits for communication with the master controller
before resetting all its values to their defaults.
5- Accept Changes Use this option to save your changes.