Optional Combat Setup
The EP Zero ARF was designed with the intention that two or more of these easily built, fun to fly models could be outfitted with streamers and used for combat. If you intend to fly combat with this model, you will need to attach the optional streamer mount using the instructions below.
❏1. Insert a rubber band as shown.
❏2. Lay one end of a colored streamer over the mount. Insert one loop of the rubber band through the loop at the other end. Pull it tight to hold the streamer in place.
❏3. Secure the antenna to the fuselage. If left to trail the plane, it could become damaged while combating.
Check the Control Directions
❏1. Turn on the transmitter and receiver and center the trims. If necessary, remove the servo arms from the servos and reposition them so they are centered. Reinstall the screws that hold on the servo arms.
❏2. With the transmitter and receiver still on, check all the control surfaces to see if they are centered. If necessary, adjust the
❏3. Make certain that the control surfaces and the motor respond in the correct direction as shown in the diagram. If any of the controls respond in the wrong direction, use the servo reversing in the transmitter to reverse the servos connected to those controls. Be certain the control surfaces have remained centered. Adjust if necessary.
Set the Control Throws
Use a Great Planes AccuThrow™ (or a ruler) to accurately measure and set the control throw of each control surface as indicated in the chart that follows. If your radio does not have dual rates, we recommend setting the throws at the low rate, or sport rate setting. Note: The 3D throws recommended are extreme throws and should only be flown by experienced pilots. They are very sensitive and could cause the plane to seem uncontrollable to a novice pilot. Sport rates are perfect, and recommended for, combat and general aerobatic flight.
Note: The throws are measured at the widest part of the elevators, rudder and ailerons.