Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to take off my glasses when I use the goLITE?
No. This specialized type of light is designed to work with or without glasses.
Are there any major side effects?
The goLITE Pro is safe when used according to recommendations. There have been some reports of tem- porary headaches or nausea. This is usually resolved by sitting further away from the unit.
Can I get sunburn from using the goLITE?
No. While typical fluorescent bulbs produce small amounts of UV light, BLUEWAVE Technology elimi- nates all UV light that is responsible for sunburns.
I’ve heard that light can be dangerous. Can the goLITE damage my eyes?
The goLITE emits safe levels of blue light, according to current standards. In fact, your goLITE emits less blue light than other traditional forms of bright light therapy like
When used as directed, all Apollo light products are free from ultraviolet light risk to the eye and pro- duce a safe, diffused field of light. Apollo’s lights have been tested for ocular safety and have been used in dozens of government and clinical studies.
As with any bright light source, you should not stare directly into the light. The beneficial reaction