problems. See Apple-authorized service providers; customer service; error messages; troubleshooting

processor card, upgrading 139, 150 programs. See application programs Put Away command (File menu) 69, 92


question mark icon, troubleshooting 80–81, 110

quitting a program if you’re having trouble 77


radio or television reception, interference with vi, 130

RAM. See also memory expanding 57–58 resetting parameter RAM 79

RCA-type connectors 44, 49, 50–53 Read Me files 25, 62

read-only memory, defined 67 rebuilding the desktop 78, 83, 89 reinstalling

CD-ROM software 119–120 system software 110–119

release buttons on computer 141 repairing damaged disks 106–109 repetitive stress injuries (RSIs) 124 Restart command (Special menu) 77 restarting the computer 79, 152, 155 Return key 152


“sad Macintosh” icon on screen, troubleshooting 82

safety instructions CD-ROM drive vii cleaning equipment 135–137 connecting additional equipment 39 connecting a SCSI device 57

ejecting CDs using a paper clip 92 ejecting floppy disks using a paper

clip 84, 134

general precautions 128–129 grounding the computer 6, 129 handling and care of equipment


installing additional memory 58 installing an expansion card 139 liquid spills on computer equipment

128, 129, 130, 132, 133 locking/unlocking the mouse


operating the computer when open or when parts are missing 149

setting the voltage 3–6, 8, 12 saving documents if you’re having

trouble 77

screen. See also monitor dark, troubleshooting 79 dimming 22, 130 minimizing glare and reflections

126, 127 positioning 7, 126

screen saver programs 79, 130 scroll arrows 20

scroll bar, Macintosh Guide 31 SCSI cables 55–57

SCSI devices

computer doesn’t recognize 80, 91 connecting 54–57

SCSI ID numbers setting 55

troubleshooting and 82, 91, 106–107 SCSI internal interface 54

SCSI port 40, 41, 54, 57 SCSI terminator 56 security lock ports 40, 41 shared disks 65, 69, 72 shared libraries 66, 90 Shift key 152, 155

Shortcuts command (Guide menu) 37–38

Show All command (Application menu) 64

Index 165

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Apple 120 Series user manual Index